Monday, December 12, 2016

Fixer Upper and a Bride Doll

To complete the rewiring for the remodel, we had to tackle cleaning out the attic. Remains of life in deteriorating boxes is sad. Until the things falling from the attic have meaning to those of us graduating from high school in the mid-1960's.
Gail Brewer McDonald's parents built this house. She is close to my age so when I found her "bride doll," (I'd always wanted a bride doll - the one that could walk down the aisle, the one that had a satin dress, veil, and over skirt) I saved it out and decided to make a stack for Gail. Then, I saw letters, diaries, an autograph book, a newspaper, and Gail's two cheerleader letters for Rector Black Cats.
I knew she'd want these special items, so I called her. Indeed, she does want them.
I'll take them down to her sister-in-law's house and she'll get them after Christmas. I invited her to visit and she said, "I will. I'll walk up and knock on your door! We're so glad you and Marvin bought the house."

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