Monday, September 1, 2014

The Cow's Tale (sic)

               A dog beat my time on the 5K. Not the two legged kind, who did the same and got a Red Ribbon, but the actual four-legged kind.

              The Rector Helping Hands Annual 5K was held Saturday morning. Over 300 walker/runners participated. Marvin and I were 2 of that group. We are in the middle of the back group in this photo. Marvin's long strides helped him motor on up this incline and down the other side.
             Not long after that, at the turn, he said, "Come on!  Let's pick it up a bit."  Well, I know I was doing my best walking, so I said, "You go ahead."  So, he did.
             Gradually, more and more people passed me.
             Then, the dog passed me.
                 A friend was pushing her grand son in a stroller and had to give him a bottle while they walked.  I was not going to let a baby taking a bottle pass me!  So, I increased my stride.

                 I finished, and in the true parlance of an athlete, "I accomplished a Personal Best!"
                 Under 58 minutes!
                 In fact, I finished the 3.1 miles in 54 minutes, thus shaving 4 minutes off my time.

1 comment:

  1. You go, Girl! I'm impressed. I couldn't do 3.1 in 54 minutes!


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