Thursday, September 11, 2014

One Thing Leads to Another: I need a Tylenol

Isn't it funny-strange how one cleaning task leads to a headache?

It started out simply enough. Our carpet in the MBR needed restretching. Seems the tack strip by the toe-kick on the built-ins was not completely built in. In order to fix and restretch, the room had to be emptied. Read: The Great Wall of China had to be deconstructed.

Drawers were removed from my dresser and from the upright chest. My jewelry chest was moved and the Sleep-Number Bed had to be taken apart and sorted into...30 or more pieces,it seemed. Move it all out - into the living room, both bedrooms, and the hallway.

After a couple of hours and a lot of whapping and whamming, the carpet man left with our thanks and a check. Once the room's carpet was nicely restretched, the furniture had to go back into the MBR. But not before the carpet was vacuumed. In the middle of vacuuming, the Dirt Devil whirling tornado with two roomy chambers and whirlwind technology stopped. Just quit. Did not say, "I'm tired."  It gave up the ghost. The End,

After that fiasco, we used the Shop Vac. Probably needed to, anyway.

Since the drawers were on the bed and floor of the Green Room, I determined to go through the drawers of the chest and clean them out. I made a box for things I'd keep:  Mother's electric curlers suitable for travel and other things I had held onto. I threw into the Go to Goodwill bag sets of novelty sox with pumpkins, jingle bells, and Santa's beard, colorful combs from Estee Lauder gifts, and a full-length black slip that I probably wore in my Pilgrim Era. Trouser socks to match my work slacks, etc were discarded.  I have 1 large empty drawer and much less crammed full smaller drawers.

That ordeal of cleaning spilled over to the closet.  If I could recall the slacks or tops being in a closet 2 houses-ago, they went to the Goodwill stack.  High-heel boots that also worked well with work suits just don't fit with the retired lifestyle. I took 4 black bags full to Goodwill.

Back to the Vacuum Cleaner that Died.  Marvin resurrected it.  By cleaning. How embarrassing. It was so stopped up with (that which I will not name), it stopped rather than burn up. I had emptied it regularly, but these clogs were way up into the workings of the thing. I think my housekeeper in Bartlett would have recognized some of the carpet fibers, Now, I have a new, working vacuum cleaner. Am I excited, or what?

After two days, the MBR is put back together, the closets are cleaned out and changed for the season, the drawers of the chest and dresser are relieved of seldom worn items.And I've dusted and vacuumed.

I do need a Tylenol, though.


  1. Sounds rather like my recent summer spent re-doing floors, which meant emptying rooms. All 3 of my bedrooms still have stuff from the office (I also have a Green Room) and bookshelves. I'm determined to go thru everything before it goes back. Great post.

  2. I think Terry made four trips to Goodwill with things from Aunt Gladys' apartment. It took us three days to sort, donate and give away things. Pooped but happy! It made me want to do the same with my closets and drawers. Glad you didn't have to buy a new vacuum!


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