Having the new tile shower has been marvelous, though it is still quite the accomplishment to prepare for bed. 2 sets of towels, preparation before and concluding ceremonies before bed, as regards the various vampire bites and other surgical incisions. In addition to the “fine lines and wrinkles” I combat morning and night, there is proper procedure for minimizing scars. I’m sure there’s a cream (or app) for that, when I get the go-ahead signal.
There is a “husband’s waiting room” over at Lowe’s in Paragould, for use while wives get beautified down the street. Ha. Marvin drove me for my hair trim and then did his errands at Lowe’s. When we got home, a couple of friends came by. Visitors! Yipee! Both bearing goodies – loaded chicken noodle soup and an almond cream cheese coffee cake that should be outlawed for maxing the “deliciousness scale.” The coffee cake reminds me of the Almond Croissants at LaBaguette.
Things around here are looking up. We are going to WalMart this afternoon for groceries. I told Marvin I could drive one of the motorized handicapped carts. No-way, he said. You’re too young and cute for that. We’ll see if they have a Barbie Car for you! HAHA.
My check-up is Tuesday, May 21 with Dr. Garrett! I'm to be released to the cardiologist in Jonesboro for follow-up and cardiac rehab. I'm looking forward to that, as long as the therapists are not related to Nurse Ratchet.
We (the "royal we") are making plans for cleaning out and possibly expanding the fish pond, upgrading and repairing the deck, and opening the pool. God is so very good!
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