Sunday, August 21, 2016


Simplify, Simplify, Simplify
Simplicity, Simplicity, Simplicity
Henry David Thoreau encouraged his readers to follow him to Walden Pond and live with less.
·                                     If I have not used it in the past year, I will discard it: trash, give away, garage sale.
·                                     If I have not used it in the past year because I never saw it because it’s underneath lots of other things…
·                                     If I’ve held on to it because I might need it someday and that someday has been lurking for 15 years…
·                                    If it’s been in my closet because it goes with something, and I’ve forgotten what that something is…

Organization Fever traditionally accompanies September and is swirling about my head. Even algebraic expressions beg to be “simplified,” reduced to lowest terms. My life requires the same. I will begin to channel Henry David Thoreau. 


  1. Cleaning my closet is one of my constant obsessions.

  2. I hope you have more luck at "thinning," as Dot Hatfield calls it, than I do. Although, during last Lent, I gave away l-o-t-s of stuff. May try it again come Advent.


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