Saturday, March 26, 2016

Right on Time

When Easter is early, the red bud trees celebrate with vibrant pink blossoms , but often the dogwoods don't bloom.
Children brave the chill to gather colored eggs, some plastic, which have been brought or perhaps laid by an Easter Bunny.
Girls don Easter frocks and winter coats.
If rain falls and obscures the sun for the sunrise service, some might express disappointment,
Easter lunch of ham, sweet potatoes, lime jello congealed salad, green bean casserole and rolls is finished off with either coconut pie or pineapple pie. Time for a nap. Easter has come and gone.

Easter comes early this year and glorious sunshine brings warmth, but so do jackets and sweaters.
Rain, even storms, are predicted for this Sunday, March 27,2016.

Easter can never be held hostage. A boulder did not keep Jesus in the tomb. What's a bit of a frost or a deluge?
Holy week began with Hosanna! on Palm Sunday and ended with darkness and grief, doubt and questions on Good Friday.
They did not know what we know.
They did not know that Sunday would be the day that changed everything.

With belief in a risen Savior, everything changes. Nothing is impossible.
Easter never "comes and goes."
Easter is the promise that the God With Us (Emmanuel) of Christmas continues through a Savior who understands our human condition as no other. He lived, served others, illustrated his points as a Master teacher, was betrayed, though tempted had no sin, suffered cruelty beyond measure, forgave, and died.
On the third day, however, he overcame death and the grave.
That kind of power does not "come and go."

Our Savior Lives - Sunday's Coming!
We will celebrate Jesus' Resurrection - Not Early. Not Late. He's always Right on Time.

1 comment:

  1. Seems I often had to have a new sweater that covered up my Easter dress when I was growing up. We ended up having sunshine all day yesterday. I hope you did, too.
    I like your thoughts that "Easter never comes and goes...." that Jesus is never early or late, but right on time. Hope your Easter was wonderful.


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