Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Good-bye, Old Buddy; Hello, New Friend

Oh, My Goodness Gracious!
 I killed it. Too much exercise is certain to be the cause.
That, or I drowned it in Lake Wappapello.
The literature indicates the devise is "water resistant" but it did not resist the water.
Instead, it jumped right in with me and paddled around for a while.
It got out with me and sunned a bit.  No complaints.
Then, it just sorta...quit.

Yesterday, it must have been heaving a final hooray because it worked...registered...synced and acted alive and well.
Took a bit longer than normal to charge...just like me.
This morning, however, it had bitten the proverbial dust.

I tapped it.
I double tapped it.
I tapped it a bit harder and a dim light showed.
Eureka! Success!
No, It dimmed more until it faded away.
Rather sad, actually.
RIP: FitBit Flex

I found the box and the receipt (are you shocked?) and the poor little thing had not made it to Birthday one...August 14 would have been one calendar year that I've had Fitbit Flex.
Oh, how I loved earning my badges and getting the messages, "You're a Champ!" or "Hooray."
Never did it message me, though, those 3 beautiful words, "Eat Chocolate Today."

It was my constant companion, encouraging me, monitoring my activity level, reminding me by just being there, on my wrist in its turquoise band, that I should get out of the chair and turn off the computer. Get into the street or the gym. Move! Do Something Active!

The Fitbit Company (I did find a phone number and call to report the death.) said, "Good News! You are eligible for a replacement!"
Oh!  Wow!
That is good news - within 3-5 business days I'll have a new FitBit Flex and I'll be on the road to continued good exercise habits.

Good-bye, Old Buddy, Hello, New Friend!

BTW, I found the coolest charms (jewels!) for FitBit Flex on Esty: check it out -

1 comment:

  1. Not sure why I just got this notification! But I'm glad you had all the paperwork and got a replacement.


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