Thursday, May 28, 2015

Watching Life Unfold in God's Glorious Plan

Really. I'm not an outdoorsy-type girl.
In, fact, I'm sorta prissy.

But, I love this time of year, even with the sheets of rain that have fallen and the unpredictability of a full-of-sunshine day. Those will come soon enough...say, July.

Marvin and I have taken great delight in our koi and goldfish. The koi from the original group are rather large now and there are several juveniles and a "kiddo." One is named Dreamsicle, reminiscent of those delicious light orange dessert pops. Another is "Whale." We have "Dot" and "Stubby."  A little less politically correct is "Jap" who is a small, lightening fast white goldfish who sports a red circle on his fan-tail. "The Joker" has a green hue. Not all are named, but we get a kick out of feeding time.

The bluebirds are nesting in the box Marvin made last spring. We saw them checking out the floor plan and watched as they moved in. Now, they are taking turns going in and out of the house. Sometimes both are outside. Mama needed some breathing room, I'd imagine. The male's gorgeous neon blue is suggestive of a bunting, but they are not - just regular, beautiful blue birds.

Cardinals, bluejays, and those chatty mockingbirds along with turtledoves populate the area. There are wrens and fortunately, some martins.

A bonus is cherry tree season - it's almost time for harvest. Perhaps this weekend.We must keep a close watch because within a few days of the ripe harvest, the birds will strip the trees. We've considered netting, but decided to take our chances.

The other day, Marvin spotted a field-dee's nest among some gravel and rocks near a lot he mows. We went by to take a look and spied with great difficulty the two eggs that looked like gray and black speckled rocks, disguised perfectly. Both mama and daddy bird behaved as they usually do to lure any invader away from the nest. They are some  crazy-acting, dramatic birds.

Within a few weeks of our original sighting, the baby birds hatched.We took a picture.They were downy and did not move a lick.
Yesterday, both babies were up, running around the lot. I'm attaching a photo of the one that came to visit me. This bird was, indeed, "born yesterday."

Now,the nest of a brown trasher with four little eggs is in the knock-out rose bush by the mailbox. Yes, I've peeked in, but when I get the mail, if I'm really quiet, mama won't budge.

While I don't cook potatoes in the ground, nor do I camp in the wilderness where there might be mosquitoes or spiders, or where one would have to drive for miles to find a bathroom, I do love to watch life unfold within God's glorious plan .

1 comment:

  1. I love to watch the birds nesting. This year for the first time ever, we had a pair of bluebirds in a house hanging from our front porch. I was thrilled.


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