Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Campfire Sentiment

I was a Girl Scout Drop–out, but I did learn a few things.
I treasure the sentiment in one particular campfire song.

Make New Friends But Keep the Old
One is Silver the Other Gold.

Both friend-categories shine with value.

While new friends will never recall the memories of countless years past or remember the depth of shared experiences, they are quite valuable in this life.

New friends know that life is too short to be petty, too sweet not to be shared.

New friends are quick to embrace a friendship because everyone has learned the positive value found in shared lives.

I’m so very fortunate to have friends that are "old" with memories like mine.

And friends who are new- ready to embrace the day and willing to include me in it.

1 comment:

  1. Having just gone to my 50th class reunion last weekend then had coffee with more recently made close friends, this strikes a cord in me.


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