Friday, October 17, 2014

A Walk in October

Friday is still a favorite day of the week, regardless of retirement status.  Years of working relentlessly gave me such a perspective.  Friday: a day for reflection on the week, preparation for the next, and an evening of relaxation.  It used to mean no cooking.
On my morning walk, during which I practice my dance-team moves to my favorite Walking Songs on the IPod, I ponder things past, present, and future.  If I’m lucky, I’ll remember my plans when I stroll into the driveway.
This morning, as I do each morning, I whispered first a prayer of Thanksgiving. Bottom line: a prayer of joy in thanks to God for breathing, walking, loving, and living. I think of the brave woman, Cathy Frye, who survived in the Big Bend Ranch State Park. The last lines of her story told in series and final Reflection this week (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette): “Love and Faith brought me out of the desert.  Love and Faith brought me home.  I thanked God for giving me more time to be their (her children) mother.”
And I pray for my family in supplication for their health and safety.  And so it goes as I walk.
The sun sifts sparkling through the tree branches.  Festive fall decorations greet me at each turn and I smile.  All the while, the IPod is pumping out quick paced walking rhythms and I obey.

Soon, several pops-classical tunes fill my ears and heart.  It’s "Rhapsody in Blue" and I drift into making plans for the day and the week and the month. Stopped short,  I thank God, again, for the opportunity to share my life with family and friends. The opportunity to plan anything.

And thus, with a heart and soul filled with wonder and thanksgiving, I hurry to put my thoughts on paper to share with those of you who might relate to my story for today.

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