Monday, March 10, 2014

Two Looney Toons

Should be a very interesting ride to the crazy farm.
This weekend, I pulled a Margaret.
Mother actually got into the car with a strange man.
Parked at Walgreens, his car was blue like mine and she never looked twice, until the old dude said, "Well, hello there!"
I had been circling the parking lot and could not get out of the car fast enough to stop her.
We got it taken care of though, and she went home with me.
As for my part on this slippery slope to the nut house, I'm not paying real close attention.
I opened the truck door and began to put my groceries inside another man's vehicle.
Having seen Marvin in his truck coming my way, I did not see another truck.  So...I just opened the first available truck door that pulled up and stopped.  Right in front of me, I might add. And there you have it.
The lady standing by said, "Ma'm, this is my husband's truck."  In other words, "Get your hands off my man...and his truck."
Marvin is gaping at me, shaking his head.
If that were not crazy enough, later in the weekend, Marvin said he hoped for "Cottage Cheese Sandwiches."
He HATES Cottage Cheese. Detests it.
Call the medics.
We were pulling out of the driveway with potato soup in the crock pot, going to Soup and Sandwich dinner at church.
Probably desiring a pimento cheese sandwich or grilled cheese with his soup, he said instead, "Oh, I hope they have cottage cheese sandwiches tonight."
I looked at him like he'd lost his marbles.
He said it again.
"Honey, what are you saying?"  I've got 911 ready on speed dial.
"What did I say?"
And I told him.
"No, no, no.  I meant pimento cheese sandwiches."
What a relief.
I'm not going to the crazy farm alone.

1 comment:

  1. I so wish I could say nothing like this ever happens to me.


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