Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Serendipity of Facebook

                             Today, and for many days over the past months, I have experienced “writer’s block.” Nothing is worth the expenditure of creative energy…nothing seems funny or especially interesting, except for the exchanges between classmates from CHS, C/O ’66.
                           I’m a listener; I hear your voices, but I’m quiet, so you won’t realize I’m enjoying your good-natured banter.  I guess it’s rude to eavesdrop, but I’m allowed, through Facebook. Your comments transport me to a time I had forgotten.  I’m there, and you are, too.
                            Vicariously, I travel with you as former neighbors and classmates. Everyone is gracious and shares pictures and comments.  It’s  a pleasure to ‘like” your insights, recognize the same things as amusing or poignant.
                           Seeing photos of your children and grandchildren on vacations and at birthdays allows me a familiarity I once spent every day enjoying. Where did the years go?  I’m so glad to have a reunion with you daily.
From the ages and days now spent, from the seconds that separate us in time, a singular thread emerges and weaves our lives together; we share memory, rich and full.
This connection has been the serendipitous discovery in Facebook, and I am grateful to you all.


  1. Good post, even with writer's block, writer's block is something to write about, huh? I love being on Facebook, tho' I fought it for years. Only one of my 4 children are on FB, and his wife keeps pics of him before the world! I love it. Are you going to HP in November? I'm signed up at Dairy Hollow (Eureka Spgs.) from the last Sun. in Oct through the 11th of Nov., so I won't be going this time. Maybe next year. pl

  2. Facebook is a great way to stay in touch!


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