Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sizzling Wonder Bread, Bubbling Butter, and Melty Cheese Spillage

                 Comfort food needed. In today's unsettling atmosphere, the country craves comfort.  And, it’s not chocolate. 
                 It’s a Grilled Cheese Sandwich.  The kind of delicacy served with a mug of Tomato Soup…on a Sunday night.  It’s the Grilled Cheese Sandwich with perfectly grilled, buttered bread, sliced to reveal oozing, warm cheese constituting a perfect side to vegetable soup on an autumn day.  After all, how can you ruin bread, butter, and cheese?  Unless you burn it.
                Richard is my Grilled Cheese Connoisseur.  As a child, he did bring down the gavel on the best fish sticks or pizza or hamburger.  It was popsicles and grilled cheese that satisfied Rich.
               So, when the first-grader would spend the week before school started with Nana and Poppy, he was the center of their universe.  Poppy played war and trucks and watched Cartoons; Nana cooked and catered to his every desire; and Lou, our neighbor, took him to the one and only McDonald’s for some fries and an adventure on the playground.
              I should not have been surprised when he handed me Nana’s Recipe for A Grilled Cheese Sandwich. “Oh, Nana,” my young'un reportedly said, “this is sooo good.  You make the best grilled cheese sandwich.  Would you write down your recipe for my mommy?” I have yet to live down that day in family history.
             Lately, I have been astonished to learn of the Grilled Cheese International, the 11th annual competition to determine who makes the best Grilled Cheese Sandwich, with Categories.  The Missionary is the grilled plain bread, butter, and cheese variety and the Karma Sutra is “anything goes,” with an endless variety of add-ons grilled with zesty cheeses between two slices of who-know-what variety of bread.  How did this happen?
              In addition, there is The Grilled Cheese Truck in Southern California, making the rounds and scheduling various towns and avenues for stops so folks can order and pay over $5 for gourmet grilled cheese concoctions and more for sides of pickle spears, chips, or a cup of tomato soup.
              A stylized school bus, decorated, fabricated into the Grilled Cheese Childhood Experience food truck, promises to recreate the delicious comfort sandwich that your mom made for you.  By savoring one of their sandwiches, you relive a moment from your glorious childhood, unless, of course (they have a disclaimer), your childhood sucked. 
Their varieties include the Kindergartener and Pre-schooler (which is the same as the former, but with the crusts cut off!)

Where was my brain when these entrepreneurs began their journey to fortune with a Grilled Cheese Sandwich? 

After all, I have the perfect recipe!

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