Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Organization and other Illnesses

             A clean desk.  An organized file system.  Ordered spices.  No clutter.  Golly-gee, how I admire these pinnacles of success in homemaking.  Pinterest displays pictures of how wonderful our lives can be, if only we’d “organize.”
               Think:  my friend and colleague, Brenda Pilant.  She should have her own Pinterest Board.  Alphabetizing canned goods is the habit that first drew me to her side, hoping some degree of order would seep into my being, as if by osmosis.  Brenda’s notebooks and file system for work produce envy.  “Color-code” is her middle name.
             Brenda should meet Cheryl Pardue of Arlington.  Cheryl’s father-in-law designed and built closet organizers for her and pantry systems for her kitchen.  Her closet includes a cedar bin for out of season sweaters.  Cheryl lives in the same cove with Renee’ and family. Cheryl has a Pinterest Board called “Neat Thinking” that you can browse to become inspired.
             A friend here in Rector is turning a spare bedroom into her closet, complete with built-ins and a jewelry counter.  Such inspiration is mind-boggling.

                Here’s the deal.  I can find everything I need, if no one touches stuff but me!  I remember where I put those shorts that I intend to wear again today.  My cuticle oil, lotion, writing implements, Aleve, and Password Notebook each has a spot on my side table.  All that’s required of me is to reach out and touch; there it is:  pen, pencil or seam ripper, whatever.
              Now, it is a thrill to see my spices all in one cabinet, organized by category, and stacked on lazy-susans and tiered racks.  Pensky’s glass jars are quite helpful in the quest for organization.  A pull-out drawer for pots and pans along with a shallow drawer for lids is a bonus! My pantry is a dream with gobs of storage, so that canned goods, dry goods, and other staples can be organized by category.
                 So, why do I have to force myself to file paperwork? I vow to throw away paper of all kinds, especially catalogs and newspapers.  Marvin is as much of a pack-rat as I am, so the moment I de-clutter his “basket,” he will ask, “Hey, where’s that receipt for….?” Bins of receipts, papers, and junk greet me at the back door.  The counter-top has one end devoted to “stuff to take downstairs,” and “stuff not to touch because I might need it someday.”
                 As I share my goals for today, I’m working up will-power to venture into the “office” to file paperwork. Perhaps I’ll take an oatmeal cookie (heart healthy, of course) to nibble as I make progress. The afternoon project is putting some style and color order to our bedroom closet….that is, after my nap!

1 comment:

  1. Paper. I have baskets full of it, just waiting to be sorted through. Paper must be a writer's best friend and worst enemy.


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