Monday, February 4, 2013

Around the Corner and Down the Street

        “Early Spring,” says the Groundhog!  Oh, how my thighs hope he is right!  My walking routine has been severely disrupted due to bad weather, cold weather, rainy weather, cloudy weather, and occasional sunshine!
         The outdoors and I have a long-established a love/hate relationship.  It dates back to the moment Mother Nature determined to exact revenge on me for being a “Girl Scout Dropout.”  Try as I may to be a good sport, I just cannot get past spiders, bugs, and mosquitos. The aversion to the camping-out routine began when I was scolded for making a production of slapping mosquitos while sitting around a campfire – on a log, mind you! The Scout Leader told me to “quit, or just go inside!”  Oh, thank you, Jesus.  I thought she’d never exile me!  At a day-trip I ended my scouting career with subtle rebellion as I wondered aloud, “Why would anyone want to cook a baked potato in the ground when you have a perfectly good stove?????”
         Visiting out of town friends for weeks during the summer sometimes meant sucking it up and going with the group for an overnight at Girl Scout Camp.  I did not sleep a wink that one night, keeping watch for creeping spiders that could, if they had a mind to, climb up the leg of the cot and creep under the sheet onto my foot, or they could stealthily fall from the porch ceiling and perch upon my hand, or shoulder, or OMG, My Face!  How could anyone sleep under those creepy conditions?
        But, I do love breathing fresh air, taking in the scenes of pretty flowers and shrubs, shy jonquils, and landscaped lawns. I adore noticing how the seasons are changing.  Walking the 2+ miles daily I have enjoyed the tone my thighs and booty have achieved, and I also know I have lost some poundage, some fluffiness. Some ladies prefer the treadmill and the stationary bicycle.  Not me….even with TV, I grow tired of the same-ole scenery afforded by the indoor treadmill, and my knees can’t take the stationary bicycle nor the elliptical thing.  It’s that old cheerleader injury that I credit for every physical limitation.
        Friends recommend Yoga and Zumba, the golden oldies version.  Oh, how I wish there were classes here without having to drive to Kennett or Piggott.  I’ve gotten spoiled and don’t even like to drive 15 miles, unless I am shopping for a new outfit.  I prefer “just around the corner” and “down the street.”  And that's how I walk...around the corner and down the street.
        For now, I’ll build up my resolve to take up the Walking Routine again, just as soon as a few more buttercups decide to wave in the Early Spring breeze! I’ll gladly lace up my walking shoes for the pilgrimage, being sure to avoid spiders, bugs, and anything else creeping onto my path.

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