Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Freezing Panic to Snow Peace with 6 Assurances

1.       The quiet of a snowy afternoon overtakes the buzz of an intercom announcement, “The busses will arrive 30 minutes early…”

2.      The softly falling flakes accumulate to silently cover everything, in comparison to the “peck, peck, peck” of sleet and freezing rain.

3.      The aroma of ham and white beans cooking in a stew pot waft into the den soothing any concern about supper and “picking up some KFC on my way home from work.”

4.      Listening to Sirius XM Radio rather than “School Closings” makes for a restful afternoon as I assemble Goodie Bags for Celebrate Music this weekend.

5.      As the snow event comes to a close, my garage doors are closed, as they have been since early afternoon with no cars or trucks navigating the streets and byways.

6.      Cardinals, buntings, and wrens share the bird feeders alternately taking their turns sitting in the trees, hopping on the ground, and dining at the buffet set out just for them.  Their instinctive patterns have plumped them up nicely, and they have no desire to gather milk and bread from Wal-Mart shelves.

                                In Summary:  Spell it  R E T I R E!

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