In junior high and high school, life
happened at the lockers. In front of those clanging-door time capsules. we learned what was happening at school that day. Some
new morsel was shared every time classes changed. Some couple got together, another twosome broke up, Mrs. Booth shook Jimmy Van Hoose, somebody hid Mrs. Lester’s Coca-Cola, a teacher sat in a wastebasket, etc.
Talking on the phone began after homework was completed and halted when Daddy appeared at the bedroom door and said, "Did your mother not tell you to get off that phone?" One friend after another...either they called me or I called them. It had been an hour,maybe two since we’d been at school together. Whether anything earthshaking happened or not, we talked about something.
Snippets from the day, thoughts, concerns, heartbreak and heart-thrills, what I thought about a movie, and who went to Duck Inn from Teen Town and shared a gi-normous plate of French fries with ketchup poured on like lava were recorded in "Dear Diary."
Is "social networking" so different?
Now, the day begins with coffee (!), the state newspaper,
and Facebook. I usually scroll through the politics and religion, except when two former classmates get on a roll and eavesdropping is the entertainment. For me, Social Media brings friends, family, and what’s happening in their lives closer, regardless of physical distance.
Participating with the Facebook set keeps me connected, and answers that burning question:
"I wonder what (insert name) is doing today?".
"I wonder what (insert name) is doing today?".
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