Sunday, November 29, 2020

The Benefits of Bay Leaves: A Christmas Story

     Saw a post about the benefits of bay leaves while scrolling Facebook.

Mother, David and Richard, and I flew to Colorado for Christmas a number of years ago. We flew into Telluride airport via Houston airport, flying out of Memphis. The planeload of revelers was celebrating their forthcoming high-dollar Christmas vacations at ski resorts. We were celebrating our upcoming Christmas week with Brother Tom and his crew living at that time in Grand Junction, CO, thus our flight destination of Telluride.

On such Christmas flights, the "curtain" is thrown back and everybody rides First Class, regardless of what the ticket declares. Thus, we were offered all kinds of treats for feasting and quenching our thirst. I decided on a coffee with a biscotti and Mother said, "I'll have the same."

When the flamboyant flight attendant served us, he asked, "Would you care for some Bailey's with your coffee?" Meaning, of course, Bailey's Irish Cream, a liquor that could make Milk of Magnesia taste palatable. Mother declined; "Most unusual," I thought.

"Mother, I'm going to have some. Why don't you?"

She protested, "I don't want any bay leaves in my coffee!"

"Mother - not bay leaves - B-A-I-L-E-Y-'S! - You know, Bailey's....

"Oh, Well. In that case," she laughed, "I'll have a double shot!!"

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