Saturday, March 7, 2015

A Daffodil Blessing

How do I confess that my watch is "missing?"
I'm not willing to give up and come clean, even after my shower.
Surely I have not lost it.  The catch is loose, yes, but I would have heard it fall, felt it leave my wrist.
"Perhaps I took the watch off and put it next to the bed."
Not the case.
 It was not anywhere in that hotel room.

We'd been at Daffodil Central-Camden all afternoon Friday.
We walked down Washington Street, went into Frame of Mind, strolled down Adams, back up Jefferson.
We'd been to supper at the White House Cafe and then to Wal-Mart and the Farm Store, Atwoods.
A full night on the town in Camden.
We called the restaurant.
We checked and left a message with the hotel front desk.

Marvin searched the truck and looked all around it.
No luck.
I did not cry.
But I was just sick.
Sick at heart.
It had been a lovely gift and I love the giver.

The next morning, Marvin found a note inside the door latch to the truck.
"Did you lose something?" And a phone number.
My heart soared.
We dialed the phone, we met the couple, and they returned the watch they found on the sidewalk, near our truck.
It had been on the sidewalk.
All night.
They were visiting Camden for the Daffodil Festival from Starkville, MS.

I was overcome.
I cried.  I hugged everybody.  I cried some more.
Then I told this story to everyone I saw.
God was with this couple who found the watch and with me, in allowing them to return it to me.
"We just did the right thing," they said.
I offered compensation; they refused.
Of course, we would have done the same.

I celebrate their find and my good fortune.
I wish blessings on this couple in all they do.
They blessed me beyond words.
I know God was in it all.


  1. Yes Jane there are still honest people in the world and who would imagined you crossed paths with two in all those people there.

  2. I love stories like this and am so glad your watch is back where it belongs. They were clever to leave that note.


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