Wednesday, May 28, 2014

White Linen Morning

“Good Morning,” chirps a bird on the wing. The song beacons lazy bones to emerge from her rabbit hole. Pull back the covers and greet the day, for it holds beauty’s daily feast. Stately pines and sturdy oaks shelter lush, fragrant honeysuckle banks that send waves of Estee’ Lauder’s White Linen to sweeten the morning. “Come and enjoy,” they call. Clouds drift, intermittently revealing the sun’s glow. Flirting with rain, sunshine wins the moment as my world springs to life.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice description of the beginning of a lovely day. Our Kroger store is close to a wooded area. When I walked out one evening not long ago, the scent of honeysuckle caught me and transported me right back to long summer days when I was a child. Makes me want to buy some White Linen!


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