Friday, March 23, 2012

Survivor: Rector

     It's been 1 month, and I am still surviving, still putting one foot in front of the other, walking once in the morning (1.5 miles) and once in the afternoon (.5 mile).  That is, if it's not raining, or if my personal slave driver is not on vacation.  My cousin is so much more disciplined in this area than I.  She actually seeks out mountains for us to climb - ok, hills or inclines for us to huff and puff over.  My talking sometimes gets in the way of a good course time because I use a lot of oxygen running my mouth!
      If my personal trainer (nicer name for the evil cousin) is not present, as she may have taken a trip, then it's the dog that's on my case, whimpering and going to the door and begging to take the afternoon walk. Hershey loves her walk around the cemetery, taking care of her business along the pathways and driveways throughout the trails.  The Woodland Heights Cemetery is a popular walking venue, as it, too, has flatlands and steep (ok, gradual) inclines.  Hershey takes delight in prancing along from one side of the path to the other, sniffing and swishing, waving the flag of her tail high in the breeze.
     Hubby has been preoccupied updating and expanding the insulation in the attic to reduce the utility bills for the summer, as his most current project, so his exercise has been in doing those things and in being a bounty hunter for frogs invading the goldfish and koi pond.  But, I digress. 
     I'm on a mission of better personal fitness.  I still must cook and we all enjoy that, but my noon meal has been more Greek yogurt (great protien), apples (natural sugar), and fewer sandwiches.  The evil cousin has pulled out a rear-view picture of me trying to hoist myself onto a Tube for a butt-beating ride around Lake Hamilton.  As if that were not enough, I am thwarted by my husband's love of tiny chocolate tidbits.  The other day, I was tied to the stove and forced to bake a Fudge Pie.  Imagine! 
     On a better note, I feel great and am thorougly enjoying the Spring weather and the walks.  The course is filled with flowering trees such as redbuds and dogwoods, pretty flowers like jonquils and tulips, and friendly folks who will wave and sometimes stop and talk.
     Survivor: Rector is entering its second month of walking for better health.  There is no tree-mail and no immunity idol, so it's up to me to survive and advance, up to me to win this game and thus enjoy "feeling like a million bucks."

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