Today was frigidly cold, the wind biting with conviction. I braved Walmart...again. Even with a list, I don't get everything. Went early to get back for the "big move into our Master Bedroom." That was quite a feat, but success was ours!

Trying to locate the TV receiver for the MBR became a challenge. I'd moved it away from construction, paint, and other potential disasters lurking in the remodel of the MBR. I drew a blank as to where I'd put it for safe keeping. I searched high, low, and in the "storage dungeon." Finally found it camouflaged beside the big TV in the living area, blending with the other black boxes, wires, and stuff on that flat surface. Drives me nuts.

In the meantime, the plumber and helper spent all day with us, roughing in all the plumbing for the new bathroom: shower, potty, tub, sinks, etc. The carpet man got everything put back very nicely. As I was driving home from Kennett, I thought about bringing the men a treat from Causbies: caramel-nut cinnamon rolls. Always good to keep hard working guys happy.
As the guys worked on the rough-in, I worked on green beans and bonbons.
Somebody's got to do the cooking, you know, and Marvin is my official taster. He declared the green beans and the oreo bonbons "killer." Causbie's treat came in a close second.
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