Just how many containers of ginger does one need?
I'm cleaning out and sorting. Brenda Pilant: I categorized the spices. (hashtag: ocd)
Here's the plan:
When it's actually time to pack for the move (to what house, still in Rector, I am not sure), I can open cabinets and closets, cubby-holes and hiding places, and load what remains into a box (or 7). Voila! That's it! I'm ready.
If the "stuff" is worthy of being saved and stored, it's in a plastic tote with a label identifying the contents. (pictured at left, 3 new totes to join multiple others).
What had not used in the past 8 years, even forgotten in the back of a closet, probably went to my garage sale(s). Except for He-Man and Ninja Turtle sleeping bags, because you just never know.
I have saved a number of baby things (for good measure). These baby boy clothes are just too cute and I remember my babies wearing them. FYI, David and Richard: precious outfits are not from the age of the Pilgrims.
Richard has put his claim to 2 pieces of furniture. He arrives today and to his surprise, he will have some bonus items to transport. He will go through several boxes of his own stuff that he has not seen for 8 years. I feel a trip to Goodwill coming on...and some great catfish!
I'm really not stressed at all about selling,packing, and moving, so I can't quite figure out why last night I brushed my teeth with face cream.
At least it wasn't Icy Hot!!! Where're you moving to?