Jane had been wondering so she
asked, “What was it called when the members rousted us pledges out of bed at
5AM, let us get a jacket and shoes, added blindfolds, and loaded us up into
cars and took us out to the middle of nowhere?”
“I don’t even remember that.”
“How could you not? We hitched a
ride back into town in the back of a pick-up truck. The members had planned a
swanky breakfast for everybody, but had to find our little industrious group.
We weren’t where they left us.”
“They’d call that hazing today.”
“Oh, yeah, they would. Then, it was
a tradition. Dangerous, though.”
“Do you think Miss Freeman knew
about it?”
“Didn’t we have breakfast at her
“Well, for sure Dean Smith didn’t
know anything.”
“Lord, help us if she did.”
“Look at this,” Donna said. She
handed Trudy a square piece of paper with small print and initials.
Jane, Linda, Trudy, Donna, Sandy |
“Oh, my gosh! It’s a Call-Down!”
“What for? Did y’all have a messy
room?” another asked.
“Who, us? Actually, it was for
“Noise?” Laughter erupted. “Are you
“No. Look. It’s got Trudy’s name on
“I can’t believe you saved that.”
yeah,” Donna continued, “I have a piece of pine straw that was included in the
letter Miss Amy Jean wrote to me before we got to campus.'
“Do you remember when Marta cooked
onions in my popcorn popper? Nothing ever tasted the same after that,” Linda said.
“Oh, whose room is that? Are we
making those weekly football spirit cards that were all creative and colorful? Didn't you make the pattern, Trudy?”
Jane replied, “That’s Judi and my room. See my arm
“Oh, there’s sweet, little Judi. And
our Shelby. So, so sad.”
We did not discuss classes we took,
papers we wrote, jobs we had. While we became strong women whose confidence was raised by the experiences in Alpha Xi Delta, we took all that as a "given." Together we accomplished anything set before us. We learned. We grew. We grew up, together.
Sandy, Linda, Leesa, Donna, Nancy, Trudy, Jane, Jann |
We talked about driving Trudy’s light blue flower-power
mustang to get a pizza. We talked about staying up late, talking, even when the
girls whose room we were using had to go to bed. We recalled pranks and rush
week. They call it “recruitment” now. We mentioned bid day and initiation,
Mother-Daughter Weekend, and talked at length about our common bond: a Sisterhood.
of us could not remember the specifics of the days at Henderson, but we
treasured the friendships we made during those four years. While some of us
graduated early, the years in the dorm and with our sorority cemented our love for each other. The
common bathroom area down the hall, the small rooms constructed with concrete
block walls, and the years we had three girls in a room built for two were just
some of the memories of our collective journey from age eighteen to twenty-one.
reunion (about 40 alumni) called Summer Sizzle 2016 was a terrific experience
and opportunity to reconnect with women who shared those precious years.