The Teen Tour to Washington, D.C. after 8th grade firmly clings to my memory and taught me many valuable lessons in souvenir purchasing. While the cost of the trip included quite a large number of pre-paid meals and activities, we were on our own for souvenirs. Daddy gave me a set amount of money and warned, as only he could, “Now, that’s all you have. Don't call for more. These travelers checks should be budgeted…” and on. His words made a huge impression, so much that I was really scared I’d run out of money.
Charm bracelets were the rage, so many of the girls on the trip bought replicas of Rock City and Ruby Falls, the Naval Academy, Arlington National Cemetery, the Lincoln Memorial, the White House, the Capitol, and the Washington Monument…something at each stop. I didn’t.
By the time we were on the homeward portion of the trip, special moments and opportunities had passed. Did you know there are no souvenir shops on the West Virginia highways as they wander into Kentucky and Tennessee? I had money remaining when I got home. I’ve determined that is NOT the way to preserve a sight-seeing trip.
With digital photography and debit cards, I'm dangerous. I prefer pictures with companions in the photos – otherwise, a book or a postcard by professionals. Items that do not require dusting are favorites. My first choice is jewelry. Second in preference is a pair of fanciful socks or perhaps one special Christmas tree ornament. Since I don’t often wear t-shirts, I’ll buy one for yard work or house cleaning days. Since those times are rare, a t-shirt is not a good investment. With NE Arkansas weather, though, a hoodie comes in handy.

I did not return home with lots of cash, but with a memory bank filled to overflowing with America’s gorgeous landscapes and priceless experiences shared with wonderful people and my dear hubby.
You might also enjoy: More than a Bracelet - BLOG listed at the right of this Post. "Lady Bug Souvenir Fashion and Décor Tips"
I still have some purchases made in Olvera Street in Los Angeles--in 1967. Priceless to me. Good memories, indeed.