Pop-ups bring to mind pop-up campers, which, I must say, have never been used as my Holiday Inn. Mother succumbed to Daddy’s insistence and once (1 time) agreed to an overnight at DeGray in a camper – not even a pop-up. Major Acts of God, both tornado and hurricane according to Mother, combined to end the adventure. Daddy never again could cajole Mother into further camping experiences.
Nature’s beauty is magnificent, but as night falls, spiders
and snakes pop-up. I’d much rather experience the sun popping-up while sipping
my coffee on the balcony of a Gulf-front condo. Thomas and Lois enjoy camping
and answered Colorado’s siren call while on a Pop-Up Camping excursion. They never returned to Arkansas, especially
not in July.
Behold: the Surprise Lily.
Naked Ladies. By whatever name,
these beauties “pop-up” where and when you least expect them, all pink and showy, usually
in flowery clusters like Vegas dancers, but sometimes all alone with only feathery
fans to cover their beauty.The villains in video-games seem to pop-up with a smiling vengeance. Those ghosts from Pac-Man could capture my gobbling girl or guy from out of nowhere. My yellow orb with eyes and a chomping mouth could not run fast enough. That early challenge with Pac-Man and the Mrs. and later with Super Mario Brothers is the only throw-down I undertook. I’d get very upset when Mario fell to his death in a burning pit of lava, and while I tried to give him wings and a prayer to jump and land safely, death seemed inevitable.

The best Pop-Up I’ve encountered lately, however, concerns Facebook. Friends and acquaintances from everywhere pop-up
and request “friend” status. My ’66 classmates
and many other Camden Panthers have popped up on my radar and it has been with
surprise and pleasure that I have “friended” them, for they have been and
always will be special people. I’m so glad they popped-up.
It’s July. It’s
Arkansas. It’s Hot. My plan: jump into the pool, trusting I’ll
pop-up much cooler than when I went in. The pool is much safer than the ocean,
where Jaws might pop-up at any time. If
only those swimmers could hear the music…

Love it!!