The guy who ran the auction was quite funny and kept the crowd laughing and bidding. He was not like "Chuck" at all. That is a story I will share with you a bit later. Saturday, we went to one of Marvin's cousin's house. He is younger than Marvin, but he has been in really bad health, has lost his wife, and is moving into an apartment. The auction there produced some outdoor objects such as an iron plant holder, an outdoor bench, some collectibles, etc. Marvin got some "man treasures" like an attachment for his mower (called the deal of the day) and such. That, too, was fun. We only bid against each other once, but still got the item for under $5. The bad part about Marvin and me together is that both of us are known for picking up junk from the side of the road! And liking it!! My boys will remember the blue "pleather" wing chair that we dragged home.
The last auction I attended (that was not an orchestrated event such as a high school fund-raiser) was in Memphis and was held over on Summer Ave, in the old Ramada Inn. When we girls finally got out of the line of people who were applying for Housekeeper positions (oh, yes, we did accidentally get in that wrong line) and got into the right line for getting a bidding number from Chuck, our adventure began. Both Cindy and I were quite offended by Chuck's attitude toward those of us who were there for a bargain. We said that if he were a teacher, we'd "Drop This Class." Dear Juana had to fuss and almost shed tears to give back a picture that Chuck said was Black Memorabilia. Really it was just a picture of an old Black man with no legs who was in a wicker wheelchair. The crowd supported Juana and she was permitted to give back the little picture.
Another auction we attended on some Friday nights was also held on Summer Avenue, located by Chip 'n Dale Antiques. To explain the attendance there, you'd have to meet Becky's "boyfriend" who wore flip-flops and had dirty and hairy toes. We never ate anything there, but Cindy and Becky bought a lot of Blue Ridge China. The Auction Experiences were quite the adventure and we have gotten much pleasure remembering those quirky times.
Time spent together on days like these are memory makers, and we are having a blast, laughing, finding bargains and sharing together.
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