No vote is necessary.
I have found that for which I have searched.
For a month I have searched.
In the heat, sweat stinging my eyes.
Store rooms in the garage, crates in the dungeon,
Standing on my head, risking spider sightings.
I have video tapes of Richard's arrival and Christmas Pizza, other important events covering a few years that I used that enormous video camera (remember the 1990's?).
These video tapes' importance far exceeds many other tapes - even a video tape of GWTW.
These treasures for which I have turned the world upside down are video tapes my parents made for us from old 8mm movies.
Now you understand.
I had them in Memphis.
I had them in Cordova.
I had them in Bartlett.
I had them in a bookcase
And then in plastic totes, Sam I Am.
Then, I unpacked.
Dangerous thing to do.
And, I put them away.
In a safe and secure place.
Double dangerous.
I've about pulled my hair out going from safe place to safe place.
Then, VOILA!
Today, after a month of searching, "What are you looking for?"
"Oh, just a few things...I don't remember where I put them..." I'm so nonchalant!
I looked where I had looked weeks ago, but then, I did not get down on hands and knees.
The tapes are in black cases and were pushed back - way, way back in the dark underground
Inside entertainment center cabinets under the TV, where the mechanism for DISH and DVR and JOEY and BlueRay live with all their wires and boxes and flashing lights and other so-very-important equipment.
A thousand pound weight lifted when my hands clasped the VCR boxes.
While I may have lost some hair, some sleep, and almost lost my mind,
I did not lose the Family Video Archives.
I live to lose other stuff, on another day.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.