Here are fashion rules (from my mother's own lips) that I follow more often than not.
#1. You don't want to see yourself coming and going.
That means a lady does not want to see the same dress or sweater or top on another person she might meet on the street or at an event. Even in a crowd, across a crowded room, at the concession stand at a college football game. Related to rule #2.
#2. Just because everybody else wears one of those dresses does not mean that you should. Same about jumping off the Ouachita River Bridge. Some outfits look cute on them that will not look cute on you.
That means that the lady in the magazine photo or the model on the runway, or your best friend can wear a particular style because they are either 20 pounds slimmer or 20 years younger than you. Related to rule #1.

That means that if you spend more than $_X_ on a trendy item that will be Gone With The Wind next season, you've spent too much.
#4. Check the sizes available for this piece you think is just what you need and a bargain to boot. If you wear a small or medium size, a size you've been working to achieve by diet and exercise, your 'goal' size, and the dress or other item also may be purchased in size GI-normous, do you really want to spend your money on that item.
That means that if you are shopping in a department store or any general merchandise store and you see a cute item hanging among 40 items of the same design, think twice or three times before purchasing it. That includes knock-around tops.
Case in point. I impulse-bought a bop-around top at Dollar General. It suited my purpose at the time. Then, a lady behind the counter at the HVAC warehouse where Marvin was picking up parts said, "I've got that top - I think I paid $3 at the General Dollar." See Rule #1 and #2.

So, what to do about finding clothes to spruce-up your wardrobe and set you apart from the crowd -
1. Shop where the secret shoppers shop. Hold that lady hostage until she tells you where she finds those really great pieces. Be prepared to shop in boutiques off the beaten path. That may translate into Shop Local.
2. Find a merchant who will shop at market just for you and be prepared to buy what he /she offers. (an old Southern custom in fashion)
3. Find a merchant who stocks a limited number of the same pieces.
4. Travel for fashion. Any time you are traveling, make a purchase of jewelry or a top or vest or companion piece that can only be found where you are traveling.