For anyone who knows me well, you know I have a plan...and a schedule.
In keeping with my packing plan, today is scheduled for "keep working on the two back bedrooms and begin packing the Dining Room." Not going far at all when we move. Less than .5 mile. Still, ya gotta pack and organize.
Who remembers "Memory." Is that redundant? Not the song "Memory" from the musical
Cats, but the children's matching game called "Memory." Played with face cards or specific game cards, the persons competing must remember where the "matching card" is located, despite the fact that all the cards are face down. Turned up one at a time, the person wonders, "Now, where did I see the mate to this card?" The players keep the sets and whoever collects the most pairs, wins.
Today, I was not playing "Memory." Until I uncovered a single knife with a bulbous shaped handle while going through Uncle George Ritchie's linen chest. It is engraved "
Gordon." In script, of course. I don't remember seeing any other forks or spoons shaped as this knife, but I do remember seeing another knife, its mate, sometime, somewhere, today.
Now, where did I see that other knife?

Ah, yes. It's in the bedroom where I keep all my needlework, sewing, crafting. I had taken down from the closet shelf the bags of yarn and a carrying case of Mother's that held her crochet needles, yarn, etc. The knife was in the case and I left it there. I rushed to the back room wondering if I had remembered correctly. I did!
I win the set of engraved, sterling silver knives, most likely belonging to my great-grandmother, Ella Jane Ritchie Gordon.