No need to shop for "Back-to-School Chocolate."
The phrase I attribute to friend Debbie Archer who is doing that exact thing today. Bless her.

I think about Back-to-School, though. It's in my blood. That and Chocolate.
I love school supplies. And new outfits. New shoes. Colored markers.
Blue and Black pens. 3-ring binders and dividers. Laptops.
Power-Point Presentations.

Bags of chocolates for teachers and for the basket on my desk. Take one. Or Two. In case of Emergency, Take all you need.
Pictures of The Bartlett 9th Grade Academy are steeped in Panther Pride. Red and Blue and B for Bartlett. Eye-Candy for Bartlett Panthers everywhere.
The Academy is a concept long overdue for implementation.Way to go, City of Bartlett Schools.
Times change. Things improve. I'm thrilled that it's worked out for the incoming 9th graders and the high school (now 10-12). I do wonder about repeating freshmen, and advanced course offerings for talented 9th graders, but that's not my headache. Thinking about it necessitates 1 mini square of chocolate.

Coming home from last breath vacations. Washing. Unpacking, Shaking sand from shoes and bathing suits. Packing lunches. Reality. Chocolate. Whole Hershey Bar. It's all over my fingers. Sticky.
Schedules, Teachers, InService Training & Workshops, Evaluations, Textbooks, Web Sites, New Students. A Handful of Peanut Butter M&M's.
Registration Day. Yikes.Chocolate OD. It's smeared across my face.

Setting the Alarm. OMG. Gimme Chocolate. Now. I think I will have to go shopping~
Back-to-School Chocolate.